Programas en los que participa
- Administración y negocios.
- Bus.Prog.Fin (Tulane University, Estados Unidos de América, 2009).
- D.of Phil.Major in Electr.Eng. (The University of Alabama, Estados Unidos de América, 1989).
- Maestría en C.E.Sis. Computac. (ITESM Campus Cuernavaca, México, 1984).
- Ing. en Electrónica y Comunic. (ITESM Campus Monterrey, México, 1981).
Computación evolutiva, redes neuronales y técnicas afines y su aplicación en Control Automático, Logística, y Finanzas.
- López E., Terashima H., Ross P., Valenzuela M. Problem-State Representations in a Hyper-heuristic Approach for the 2D Irregular BPP. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE 2010.
- Ortiz J., Terashima H., Ross P., Fuentes J., Valenzuela M. A Neuro-Evolutionary Approach to Produce General Hyper-heuristics for the Dynamic Variable Ordering in Hard Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE 2009.
- Martínez H., Valenzuela M. Using Simulated Annealing with a Neighborhood Heuristic for Roll Cutting Optimization. COMPUTACIóN Y SISTEMAS 2009.
- Fernández L., Terashima H., Valenzuela M. n Autonomic Computing Mechanism to Enable Self-Protection and Self-Healing. ADVANCES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS 2009.
- Ramírez J., Valenzuela M., Terashima H. uQFCS: QFCS with Unfixed Fuzzy Sets in Continuous Multi-step Environments with Continuous Vector Actions. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE 2009.
- Fernández L., Terashima H., Valenzuela M. A First Approach to Understanding the Anomalies on my PC. CIDTEC 38. 2008
- Ramírez J., Valenzuela M., Terashima H. A New Approach to Fuzzy LCSs in Two-Dimensional Continuous Multistep Environment with Continuous Vector Actions. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE 2008.
- Fernández L., Terashima H., Valenzuela M. Autonomic Computing: Exploring Self-Organization and Self-Configuration using Models of Excitable Media. COMMUNICATIONS OF SIWN. 2008
- Terashima H., Farías C., Ross P., Valenzuela M. Comparing two Models to Generate Hyper-heuristics for the 2D Regular Bin-Packing Problem. CIDTEC 38. 2008
- De Albornoz A., Escamilla P., Brena R., Monroy R., Soto R., Cerón S., Valenzuela M., Vallejo E. Inteligencia Artificial. Capítulo en Las Megatendencias Tecnológicas Actuales y su Impacto en la Identificación de Oportunidades Estratégicas de Negocios. ITESM. México. 2009