2016 – 2017. Master in Science of Commercialization of Science and Technology
Joint Certificate / Master’s degree in technology commercialization IC² Institute from the University of Texas and the Center for Research in Advanced Materials (CIMAV), one of the CONACYT research centers.
1997 – 2001. Ph.D. Management Sciences Engineering
Management of Technological Innovation and Change
Department of Management Sciences
Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo
Thesis title: Toward an Expert Assessment of Intangibles in Technology-based New Ventures
Areas of research include management of technology, knowledge management, knowledge acquisition, investment decision-making, information systems, expert systems, entrepreneurship, venture capital, fuzzy logic, and artificial intelligence.
1996 – 1997. Master in Applied Science Department of Systems Design Faculty of Engineering University of Waterloo
Thesis title: “Toward a FIS to Merge Domains of Expertise for the Design Guidelines of a Multimedia Document”
Areas of research include knowledge acquisition, decision-making, expert systems, fuzzy logic, and artificial intelligence.
1991 – 1996. Master in Electronic Systems
Department of Electrical and Computing
Faculty of Engineering
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Campus Monterrey, México
Thesis title: “Maple – Matlab Interface: A Case for the Optimization Toolbox”
1985 – 1989. Bachelor in Electronic and Communications Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Campus Monterrey, México
- Management of two Technology Parks from the beginning of the project up to continuous growth: Campus Cuernavaca and Campus San Luis Potosí
- Assessment and consulting for new technology-based ventures in the South Region of Mexico, including six campus and 11 states.
- Developing initiatives for the support of business planning and strategy for new ventures in the South of Mexico.
- Create a network of technology partners to support the investment and development of new ventures.
- Identify sources of funding from private and public institutions for both the incubator program and the new companies.
- Promote research related to the commercialization of new technologies and the development of new technology-based companies.
- Application of qualitative and quantitative methods for strategic business decisions.
- Advanced communication skills in research writing, and oral presentations. More than 20 years of successful track
- Record in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, executive training and capacity building.
- Qualitative and quantitative research skills, critical thinking, sound judgment and analytical ability
- Proven ability in simplifying complex concepts, conducting effective evaluation of performance and navigating and resolving conflicts
- Established ability and enthusiasm for innovation and self-drive, creativity and resourcefulness, leadership and teamwork collaboration.
- Sensitive to efficiency and efficacy with emphasis on cost, timing and quality of performance
- Fluent in Spanish and English, with general software applications, Statistical Analysis Tools (SPSS)
- Responsible, honest, caring, dedicated, flexible, motivated and inquisitive (willing to learn).
- Strong interpersonal skills and exposure to multi-cultural environments.
July 2017 – Present. Associate Dean of Faculty Development
School of Engineering and Science
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Faculty Development and attraction
July 2010 – 2017. Director
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industry Liaison
Campus San Luis Potosí
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Responsible for Business Technology Park, Technology Transfer Office, Business Incubator, Business Accelerator, Graduate Programmes, Continuing Education and Executive Training and Development
2008 – June 2010. Director
Executive Training and Continuing Education
Campus Cuernavaca
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Responsible for Business Technology Park, Business Incubator, Business Accelerator, Institute for Social Development, Continuing Education and Executive Training and Development
2005 – 2008. Director
Innovation and Development
Instituto de Emprendedores Tecnológicos. Rectoría Zona Sur
Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Activities include assessment and consulting for new technology-based ventures in the South Region of Mexico, including six campus and 11 states. Developing initiatives for the support of business planning and strategy for new ventures in the South of Mexico. Identify sources of funding from private and public institutions for both the incubator program and the new companies. Promote research related to the commercialization of new technologies and the development of new technology-based companies.
2004 – 2005. Director
Technology-based Incubator
Instituto de Emprendedores Tecnológicos. Campus Guadalajara
Tecnológico de Monterrey. Zapopan, Jal. México
2001 – 2002. Director of Innovation and Technology
Virtual University
Tecnológico de Monterrey. Monterrey, N.L. México
In charge of innovation and technology strategy operations of telecommunications, Informatics and software development for the Virtual University
May – June 2001. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Management Sciences Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo
1997 – 2001. Research Assistant
Institute of Innovation Research Department of Management Sciences Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo
Research activities in the area of Management of Technological Innovation and Change
1996 – 2001. Teaching Assistant
Department of Management Sciences
Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo
Assisted in the following courses at the undergraduate level: Management of information systems, Impact of information systems on organizations and society, Engineering economics, Organizational design and technology, and Introduction to organizational behaviour.
1997 – 2001. ExpecTAtions Seminar Coordinator
1st Year Engineering Office Faculty of Engineering University of Waterloo
Coordinator and organizer of the ExpecTAtions Seminar, which is an obligatory seminar for those graduate students who want to work as teaching assistants in the Faculty of Engineering. ExpecTAtions are organized twice a year with an attendance varying from 80 to 120 participants.
1997(Jan–Oct). Multimedia Software Developer Institute of Innovation Research Department of Management Sciences Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo
Developed an “On-line Education Multimedia Package for High Technology Telecommunication Corporations”. The project consisted in the design and development of a training package for the company Iusacell in Mexico. The final packaging consisted in a set of CD ROMs containing nine multimedia educational modules on Management of Technological Innovation and Change. The course was delivered using the Internet.
1996 – 1997. Research Assistant
Department of Systems Design Faculty of Engineering University of Waterloo
Programmed optimization routines for the robot-human interface.
1990 – 1995. Automation Projects Manager
Grupo Alfa
Fibras Químicas, S.A. Monterrey N.L. México.
Managed and designed several automation projects in the Plant. Provided maintenance of electronic and measurement instruments. Programmed PLC’s
Highlights of teaching and training experience:
- Principles of Management of Technology (SI-00-201)
- Strategies of Technological Competitiveness (SI-00-208)
- Business Intelligence (SC-00-219)
- Organizational Strategy (GA-00-234)
- Management of Information Systems (GA-00-211)
- Seminar of Manufacturing Competitive Strategy (OR-00-290)
- Strategic Decision Making (GA-00-323)
- Strategy, Structure and Organisational Processes (GA-00-234)
- Entrepreneurship (BD-00-6001)
- Innovation and Technology Development (DE-00-2001)
- Mental Model and Innovation Methods (SC-00-4009)
Executive Seminars
Solid achievements in teaching, university and community service, curriculum evaluations, executive training and course development at universities in Mexico, Canada, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Panama.
- (2001) CONACYT Research Grant “Study of Venture Capital Activity in Mexico” ($52,500 us)
- (2003) INTEL “Development of courses on Technology Entrepreneurship” ($40,000 us)
- (2009) Volkswagen Institute “Understanding intangibles in Quality Assessment” ($10,000 us)
- (2009) Zoofari Corp. As part of the Acceleration Programme for “Gazelle” Enterprises “Using Experiential Innovation to enrich the experience of the visitor” ($ 20,000 us)
- (2009) Terrarium Restaurant. As part of the Acceleration Programme for “Gazelle” Enterprises “Service Innovation applied to the Restaurant Business” ($20,000 us)
- (2013) Datiotec Enterprise. “Design and development of nanosatellites for academic purpose”. As part of Government funds for innovation programme. ($120,000 us)
- (2014) ENERVIVA. Automation of reactor to produce biodiesel from kitchen oil. As part of Government funds for innovation programme. (($37,500 us)
- (2015) Creation Box. Software development for teaching modules using multimedia. As part of Government funds for innovation programme. ($90,000 us)
- (2016) PALSGAARD. Organizational change for innovation. Adapting the organization to develop a culture on innovation. ($12,000 us)
- Government of Canada Award for Foreign Nationals 1996
- CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia) Scholarship 1997-2001
- International Graduate Student Scholarship, University of Waterloo 1997, 1998
- Faculty of Engineering Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo 1998, 1999
- University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship 1998, 1999
- Visiting Faculty at the University of Waterloo, Summer 2016
I have produced three research dissertations and some other research articles, chapters in books, technical and consultant reports, conference papers, working papers, lectures in: entrepreneurship, innovation, and management of new technology-based ventures;
I have assessed several masters and PhD dissertations as main supervisor
I am a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Small Business Management.
I have a strong experience in the development of new ventures; the design of business promotional policies and strategies; and managing technological innovation, commercialization and transfer of technology.
I have secured research funding and building collaborations and partnerships:
- Actively participated in a successful effort to build collaboration and relationship between the University of Waterloo (in particular with the Department of Management Sciences and Conrad Entrepreneurship Centre)
- Initiated collaboration and relationship between the following Universities: McMaster University, University of Groningen, University of St. Louis Missouri, and ECIU universities in Europe.
Díaz de León, E. and Guild, P. (2015) Chapter 14. Using repertory grid to assess intangibles: uncertainty reduction for lean start-ups in entrepreneurship. In Helle Neergaard and Claire Lietch (Ed.) ‘Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship’ pp. 393 – 422 Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Díaz de León, E. (2008)
“Using Expert Knowledge to Envision Future Converging Technologies”
XXXVIII Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey.
ITESM, Campus Monterrey N.L. January, 30 to February 1st.
Díaz de León, E. and Ramírez, P. (2007)
“Identificación y representación de conocimiento experto en la innovación y desarrollo de productos”. XXXVII Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey. ITESM, Campus Toluca, Estado de México. February.
Díaz de León, E. and Góngora-Caamal, C.A. (2007)
Connecting People, Ideas, and Resources Across Communities: International Series on Technology Policy and Innovation. Chapter 19: “Venture Capital Investments on New Technology-Based Ventures in Mexico”. Edited by IC2 Institute & Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research. Gibson, D., Heitor, M. and Ibarra-Yunez, A. (Eds.)
Purdue University Press.
Díaz de León, E. (2006).
“Using expert knowledge to envision technology trends”
XXXVI Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo: Impulsando la Economía Basada en el Conocimiento.
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, N.L. January 18, 19 and 20.
Díaz de León, E. (2006).
“Capital de riesgo en nuevos negocios basados en tecnología en México”.
XXXVI Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo: Impulsando la Economía Basada en el Conocimiento.
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, N.L. January 18, 19 and 20.
Díaz de León, E. (2006).
“Venture Capital Investments on New Technology-based Ventures in México”.
XXXVI Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo: Impulsando la Economía Basada en el Conocimiento.
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, N.L. January 18, 19 and 20
Rossainz, A. and Díaz de León, E. (2005)
“El conocimiento tácito del líder en la pequeña y mediana empresa como factor clave de la competitividad” XXXV Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo.
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, N.L.
González, I, and Díaz de León, E. (2005)
“Identificación de los intangibles relacionados con el desempeño de fusiones y adquisiciones” XXXV Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo.
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, N.L.
Góngora-Caamal, C.A, Díaz de León, E. (2005)
“Capital de riesgo en nuevos negocios basados en tecnología: Estudio en México” Section 5 of book “La tecnologia en Mexico, El reto ante la globalizacion, Seccion de Financiamiento de la tecnologia”. Editors Dr. Omar Aguirre y Dr. Luis Cañedo.
Díaz de León, E. and Guild, P. (2005)
“Using expert knowledge to envision new technology trends”
2005 PICMET Conference on Management of Technology
Portland Editorial, pp. 1-540.
Portland, OR. , July 31 – August 4
Díaz de León, E. (2004)
“Identifying tacit knowledge from tutors in a distance education environment”
2004 IAMOT Conference on Management of Technology
New Directions in Technology Management: Changing Collaboration Between
Government, Industry and University
Washington, D.C. April 3 – 7
Díaz de León, E., Guild, P., and Bachher, J. (2004)
“Using fuzzy logic as a diagnostic tool to assess intangibles in new technology-based ventures”
2004 IAMOT Conference on Management of Technology
New Directions in Technology Management: Changing Collaboration Between
Government, Industry and University
Washington, D.C. April 3 – 7
Díaz de León, E., Guild, P., and Bachher, J. (2004)
“Tangible vs intangible criteria in investment decision making – an empirical approach”
2004 IAMOT Conference on Management of Technology
New Directions in Technology Management: Changing Collaboration Between
Government, Industry and University
Washington, D.C. April 3 – 7
Diaz de Leon, E., Guild, P., and Bachher, J. (2004)
“Intangibles used by venture capitalists for technology-based new ventures”
2004 IAMOT Conference on Management of Technology
New Directions in Technology Management: Changing Collaboration Between
Government, Industry and University
Washington, D.C. April 3 – 7
Díaz de León, E. and Millán A. (2003)
“Identificación de habilidades para tutores en Educación a Distancia”
XXXIV Congreso de Investigación y Extensión del Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey. .
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, N.L.
Gongora-Caamal, C. A., and Diaz de Leon, E. (2003)
“Study of Mexico’s Situation of Venture Capital Investments on New Technology-Based Ventures” 7th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation. Monterrey, México. June 10-13.
Díaz de León, E. and Guild, P. (2003) “Using repertory grid to identify intangibles in business plans” Journal of Venture Capital, Vol. 5 No. 2 pp. 135-160
Bachher, J.; Díaz de León, E. ; and Guild, P. “Screening and evaluating technology-based ventures” Journal of Business Venturing. In process
Díaz de León, E. ; Mayorga, R. V.; and Guild, P. “Designing a Multimedia Document with Fuzzy Logic” IEEE Multimedia Journal. In process.
Bachher, J.; Díaz de León, E. ; and Guild, P. (1999) “Decision Criteria Used by Investors to Screen Technology-Based Ventures” In Technology and Innovation Management. D. F. Kocaoglu and T. R. Anderson Editors. D. Z. Milosevic; K. Niwa; and H. Tschirky Co- Editors. Portland OR.
Díaz de León, E.; Mayorga, R. V.; and Dieck-Assad, G. (2002) “A Maple – Matlab Interface: A case for the Optimization ToolBox” IASTED Conference on Applied Informatics, AI. Innsbruck, Austria, February 18-22.
Díaz de León, E.; Mayorga, R. V.; and Guild, P. (2001) “Designing Multimedia with fuzzy logic” IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA Marbella, Spain, September 4-7.
Mayorga. R. V. and Díaz de León, E. (1997) “Optimal Upper Bound Conditioning for Manipulator Kinematic Design Optimization” IROS/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Martin, France
Keynote Speaker (2016) “Innovación y Emprendimiento” Tercer Congreso Annual del Talento Docente. Organized by the University of Peru in Science (UPC). August 12.
Keynote Speaker (2009) “Automotive auditors innovation, the opportunity of assessing intangibles” 9th International Conference of the Automotive Industry. Organised by Volkswagen Institute. Puebla, Mexico. November 13.
Conference speaker (2009) “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Latin America” VII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería “Innovación, Desarrollo y Competitividad” Universidad Santiago de Cali. Santiago de Cali, Colombia. May 8
Conference speaker (2009) “Innovation in Design and Technology” in Conference “Business, Technology & Fashion”. ITESM Cuernavaca, Morelos. September 24
Keynote Speaker (2009) “Estrategia e Innovación de negocio en la economía del conocimiento”. ITESM Cuernavaca, Morelos. July, 23.
Keynote Speaker (2009) “Innovación con Valor, Estrategica de los Oceanos Azules” ITESM. Cordoba, Veracruz. February, 3.
Keynote Speaker (2009) “Congreso de Orientación Profesional” ITESM. Cuernavaca, Morelos. January 24.
Workshop (2008) “Blue Ocean Strategy Applied to the Automotive Industry” 8th International Conference of the Automotive Industry. Organised by Volkswagen Institute. Puebla, Mexico. October 24.
Conference Speaker (2008) “La Estrategia de los Oceanos Azules” ITESM. Hermosillo, Sonora. April, 24.
Conference Speaker (2007) “The Global Knowledge Based Development Week and the 1st Knowledge Cities Summit”. Monterrey N.L. México. October 15 to 21.
Keynote speaker (2007) «Hacia una Nueva Generación de Empresas”. ITESM. Tuxtla, Gutierrez. March, 28.
XXI Congreso IDEFF (2006) Innovación, Desición y Estrategía Financiera para la empresa del S. XXI ITESM, Campus Puebla. November 8, 9 and 10.
Keynote speaker (2006) “La operación de una incubadora de clase mundial” Primer Foro PyME Boca del Río, Ver. November, 23.
Juryman (2006) Miembro del Comité Evaluador del Premio Estatal al Emprendedor Veracruz 2006. Primer Foro PyME Boca del Río, Ver. November, 23.
Congreso DigIT (2006) “Renovando tus Ideas”. ITESM San Andrés Cholula, Puebla. September 21 and 22.
Instructor (2006) 1er Congreso Internacional Ingeniería Industrial y Sistemas. ITESM. Morelia, Michoacan. September.
Portland International Conference on Management of Enginnering and Technology (2005) “PICMENT’05” July 31, August 4.
Congreso de Administración de Hospitales particulares de Jalisco. (2004). “Sistema de Información para la Administración de Hospitales” Asociación de Hospitales particulares de Jalisco A.C. Guadalajara Jalisco. October, 21.
Presenter (2004) 13th International Conference on Management of Technology. International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT). Washington, D.C. April.
Keynote speaker (2003) “Evaluating core competences from fast-growing Telecommunication Companies” Directors Annual Reunion of Megacable Company. Puerto Vallarta, Jal. July 30.
Keynote speaker (2003) “Evaluando intangibles para la Toma de Decisiones”. ITESM. Zapopan, Jal. October, 28.
Panelist in Global Week (2002) “Asia and Europe in the 21st Century” University of Texas- Pan American. Center for International Education and Exchange. Edinburg, Texas. November 18-21.
Seminar presentation (2002) “Toward an Expert Assessment of Intangibles in Technology- Based New Ventures” Research Seminar, Center for Artificial Intelligence. ITESM, Campus Monterrey. April, 4.
Graduate Student Research Conference (2001) “Using Repertory Grids to Identify Intangibles in Business Plans” University of Waterloo. April, 4.
XXXII Congreso de Investigación y Extensión del Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey (2002) “Evaluación de Intangibles en Toma de Decisiones de Inversión en Empresas de Alta Tecnología” Tecnológico de Monterrey. January 17 and 18.
II Congreso Internacional de Ingenieria Industrial, Morelia Michoacan, México (Sep 1999)– The topic of my presentation was “Administración de la Tecnología”
Jan Argüello, Magda Elizabeth (2008)
“Evidencia empírica de los costos de transacción en la industria del café en Chiapas”
Supervisors Roberto Palacios Rodríguez and Enrique Díaz de León López.
PhD Business Management
ITESM, Campus Ciudad de Mexico
Alejandra Vega (2008)
“Nuevas Formas de Comercialización: Diseño, Estrategia e Implementación de Tienda Virtual para Arcones Navideños Caso Santa Clara Mercantil de Pachuca”
Masters in Electronic Commerce
Virtual University, ITESM
Tomás Iván González de la Cruz (2004)
“Identificación de intangibles relacionados con fusiones y adquisiciones”
Masters in Business Technology and Information
ITESM, Campus Monterrey
Aldo Javier Rossainz Ruiz (2004)
“El conocimiento tácito en el líder como factor de competitividad en la pequeña y mediana empresa de Jalisco”
Masters in Engineering Quality Management
Virtual University, ITESM.
Honours Award “Fernando Aranguren C.” in Management
XXXVII edition of yearly awards to thesis and research proposals
Chamber of Commerce Guadalajara
Carlos Alberto Góngora Caamal (2003)
“Estudio de la Situación Actual de la Inversión de Capital de Riesgo en Nuevos Negocios de Base Tecnológica en México”
Masters in Business Technology and Information
ITESM, Campus Monterrey